Knowledge can never be created, it can only be discovered; & every man who makes a great discovery is inspired.
The ‘Education For All’ initiative by government has been gaining steady ground and helping us understand the indispensability of education. At the same time it is also important to improve the quality of education provided in remote and rural areas. This especially becomes important for students appearing for S.S.C examinations as these exams open the realms of higher education for all students. Hence, with the objective of guiding the S.S.C students from tribal and rural areas who are deprived of the urban educational grooming like coaching classes, e-learning etc. Also, VSM has started the initiative of Dahavi abhyaasvarga.
VSM organized a 3-day enhancement camp for 10th students in 2012 for the first time.
VSM karyakarte Manasi, Vrushali, Hemant, Vaibhav, Rahul, Tanaya, Prabodh, Ashwin, Uddhav and Namrata executed this responsibility with perfection.
We received an overwhelming support from various school teachers voluntarily supporting this cause and making themselves available for guiding the underprivileged students from rural and tribal areas. With their help we were able to guide the S.S.C students in the fundamental subjects of Mathematics, Science and English. After 2012 we have been consistently organizing this 3-day camp for S.S.C aspirants from Koregaon, Susarwadi and Chindhyachiwadi till date.
FE Induction Program also serves as a platform for mandal to introduce the students to VSM’s Library and Study Centre facilities as well as VSM’s social, cultural and educational activities. The objective of this program is to help them understand the scope of engineering and to guide them towards the right approach for next four years.
Dive Into IT believes in developing practical approach along with conceptual and theoretical approach among IT students. Dive Into IT mainly focuses on imparting technical knowledge to the youth who want to attain high technical growth. We are living in an I.T age. I.T has changed the way we live and work. Hence to make students aware of opportunities in IT and to help them develop the right approach for their technical development we started with the Dive Into I.T. initiative.
Dive into Electronics aims to increase awareness among students about various facets of electronics industry- Design, development, Techno-commercial profiles, Service and maintenance and many other. Also we believe in imparting practical approach to Electronics’ undergraduates and enthusiasts which will empower them to work in Electronics industry.
CareerFest 2012 and 2013 were two-day annual events where we organised a series of seminars, a screening aptitude test, group career counselling sessions and much more for the benefit of students. In CareerFest 2013 we made a conscious decision to shift our focus form employment to employability. Because as we worked with the job seekers and employers we realized that industry had lots of opportunities for sound engineers but the engineers needed to step up to the mark for becoming employable.
The ‘Education for All’ initiative by government has been gaining steady ground and creating the indispensability of education among people’s minds. At the same time it is also important to improve the quality of education provided in remote and rural areas. This becomes important for students appearing for S.S.C examinations as these exams open the realms of higher education for all students.