
Updates regarding Events/Projects

Guidance Camp for tribal students

Broadening educational and career horizons of tribal and underprivileged students to build a better future for them

VSM has been striving to provide early, systematic assistance to underprivileged children who are subject to poor educational infrastructure so that they complete their education at least till SSC.

Quick peek in the NALANDA diaries

Visit to Nehru Science centre and the Nehru Planetarium: An effort to widen knowledge horizon of students from Dombivli’s non-urban neighbourhoods

Curiosity is the engine of achievement: inculcating the essence of the phrase in its work; VSM NALANDA, a socio-educational initiative, has taken one more step in the development of their 20 scholarship students.

विहिगाव : नवचंडी हवन व प्रवचन

सेवा हे यज्ञकुंड.. समिधा सम हम जले...!

समर्पित भावनेने केले जाणारे कार्य हे यज्ञामधील समिधेप्रमाणे असते. ज्या प्रमाणे यज्ञात टाकलेल्या समिधेचे अस्तित्व उरत नाही त्याच प्रमाणे समर्पित भावनेने कार्य करणाऱ्यांचे केवळ कार्य.. त्यांची सेवा.. त्यांनी केलेले यज्ञ दिसून येते.

Our CSR Partners

Global Logistics firm DHL joins hands with VSM’s NALANDA under its “Go Teach” CSR initiative.

The global logistics company, DHL, has once again collaborated with VSM under its one of the CSR initiatives. Previously, in 2014, the company has donated VSM 27 pre used PCs, which were deployed in various schools, our library, study centre and villages.

पालखीचा मान

९० वे अखिल भारतीय मराठी साहित्य संमेलनात मंडळाचे कार्यकर्ते झाले ग्रंथदिंडीच्या पालखीचे भोई

९० व्या अखिल भारतीय मराठी साहित्य संमेलनाचा मान आपल्या डोंबिवली नगरीला मिळाला आणि डोंबिवलीतील साहित्य रसिकांच्या साहित्य प्रेमाला सोहळ्याचे स्वरूप प्राप्त झाले.

SSC Guidance Camp

Two SSC Guidance Camps completed at Chindhyachiwadi in 2016-17; Camp also initiated for Andaad Madhyamik Vidyalay from this year.

VSMandal has been conducting SSC Guidance Camp at Ashram School of Chindyachi wadi from past 5 years.

Tribal Youth Success Story

In his quest for employment, Yashwant successfully completes Formwork Carpentry certifcation at L&T- Construction Skill Training Institute. Sets an example for Khodade’s youth.

Yashwant Zugare, a young enthusiastic man from a small tribal village, Khodade (near Wada, in district Palghar, Maharashtra)...

Swami Vivekananda Birth Anniversary Celebrations

Youth Week at VSM- A step forward towards youth empowerment for a better society & a better nation.

12th January, Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, has always essentially been a special day for volunteers of Vivekanand Seva Mandal who are always inspired by the ‘Seva’

Diwali: Spreading light and joy

Runali: Self-initiated volunteer of VSM in Michigan

Many times in life we feel sensitised about the social issues around us. They make us restless.

Snehbhojan: As Joyous as Diwali can get

VSM celebrates the festival of light by sharing joy, Diwali delicacies and more with 600+ tribal households of Vihigaon and Khodade

To spread the joy of Diwali festivities in the lives of tribals as well, VSM every year organises Diwali SnehBhojan.

VSM Silver Jubilee

रौप्य महोत्सवी वर्षात विवेकानंद सेवा मंडळाचे २५ नवीन सामाजिक प्रकल्प

११९१ मध्ये सामाजिक-आर्थिक दृष्ट्या वंचित घटकांच्या विकासाचे ध्येय समोर ठेऊ स्थापन झालेल्या विवेकानंद सेवा मंडळाने संस्थेच्या रौप्य महोत्सवी वर्षाचे औचित्य साधून शिक्षण, ग्रामविकास, जलसंधारण, महिला सक्षमीकरण आणि सामाजिक उद्योजकता अशा विविध क्षेत्रात २५ सेवा प्रकल्पांची सुरुवात केली.

VSM Silver Jubilee

VSM expands 25 social activities in its Silver Jubilee Year

Serving the under privileged and neglected segments of the society since its inception in 1991, Vivekanand Seva Mandal (VSM) celebrated its silver jubilee by dedicating 25 social service activities in the areas of rural development, water conservation, women empowerment and social enterprise.

Jalshakti Abhiyaan

Jalashakti Abhiyaan phase-II completed, two restored bunds to store @ 2 crore litres of water for Vihigaon

Vihigaon, Shahapur, is a small tribal village located in ShahapurTaluka of Thane district where VSM has been undertaking rural development projects since 1995.

Tribal Youth Success Story

With a resolve to solve community health issues, Vrinda and Kaushalya complete their Diploma in Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery.

With a resolve to overcome this problem, two young women from Vihigaon, Near Kasara, found the Solution via their Education.

VSM Tech Centre initiative for Electronics Engineers

Component Lab: A way to explore the engineer within you!!!

VSM’s Technology Centre through Component Lab is providing a platform for Electronics Engineers to enhance application oriented skills

Nalanda Initiative: 1st Teachers Orientation Programme

Teacher’s day off: A fun day for the teachers of KDMC run Acharya Bhise School by NALANDA team

This initiative turned out to be a great ice-breaker between volunteers and the teachers paving a way for a stronger and longer association

Tribal Youth Success Story

Determined to Succeed: Gajri aims to become a graduate despite poverty

Gajri belongs to a poor family with minimal income and four siblings that her parents need to support. In an environment where popular perception is that education is not helpful and especially so for girls, Gajri has been engaged with Zep Educational Assistance Program by VSMandal.

Guidance Camp for Tribal Students

Lack of Guidance Shouldn’t Worry You Kids; VSM’s for You!

This year we at Vivekananda Seva Mandal intensified preparation at ‘Dahavi Abhyasvarga’, our guidance initiative for 10th std. Students living in tribal area, with two guidance camps in a year instead of one

Entrepreneur’s Social Responsibility

Our Alumni Swapnil Chandanshive Employs 25 Tribal Youth in His Business

VSM has been sowing the seeds of social entrepreneurship & responsibility through its self-help groups created in Vihigaon near Kasara & Khodade at Wada Taluka.

Fifth Consecutive Year Of Blood Donation Camp

Blood Donation Camp to Commemorate Swami Vivekananda Jayanti

To commemorate Swami Vivekanand Jayanti on 12th January, VSM began organizing blood donation camps in Dombivli since 2012 for paying homage to Swamiji's message of Seva or service for the society.

Jalshakti Abhiyaan

A sustainable road towards water sufficiency at Vihigaon

The main aim of the survey was to plan watershed management for Vihigaon so that water scarcity during summer can be addressed.

Education Tour

Rural kids enjoy education tour to city of dreams

This year, volunteers of Vivekanand Seva Mandal. Dombivli decided to make the children of Vihigaon happy by taking them on a tour to Mumbai.

Yog Learning Sessions

Yog Prashikshan Varga organized for VSM Members

Vivekanand Seva Mandal, Dombivli and Yogavidya Dham, Dombivli jointly organized a “YOG PRASHIKSHAN VARGA”.

Annual Training of Volunteers

Our Foundation Workshop spots and works on young ‘diamonds’

"Abhyas Varga” or "The Foundation Workshop" is a two day workshop that attempts to unleash the diamonds lying within the volunteers of Vivekanand Seva Mandal.

Unnayan Initiative

Sparsh 2015 kickstarts with a spectacular session on ‘Success Mantras by Eknathji Ranade’

After a successful conception in 2014, Sparsh has entered 2015 with its kickstart session on ‘Success Mantras by Eknathji Ranade’.

Swamiji’s Birth Anniversary celebrated in Schools

Zilla Parishad / Municipal School Kids Rejoice after Watching a Movie on Swamiji

“Education is not the amount of information that we put into your brain and runs riot there, undigested, all your life. We must have life building, man making, character making assimilation of ideas” .

Swamiji’s Birth Anniversary

'Swamiji lives through his thoughts; VSMandal exhibits Swamiji’s books'

A man’s lifespan is not counted by the number of years he lives but the years for which his thoughts and teachings stay alive in public memory.

Blood Donation Camp

'Blood donation camp in memory of Martyr Captain Vinay Kumar Sachan, 117 responsible citizen donated their blood'

The Blood Donation Camp 2015 was organized by Vivekanand Seva Mandal in association with Narayan Atmaram Patkar Memorial Trust, Dombivli Kidney Foundation and Plasma Blood Bank on 11th January 2015.

Watershed Development Project

'Survey for Watershed Development Project at Vihigaon'

The main aim of the survey was to plan watershed management for Vihigaon so that water scarcity during summer can be addressed.

Aiding to Youth Tribal Hostel

'Helping Youth Tribal Hostel @ Pen under Runamochan 2014'

Purpose of this visit was to handover requirements conveyed by students at Vanavasi kalyan Aashram, Pen in the form of donation.

Diwali Snehabhoj

'Diwali Snehabhoj 2014 at Vihigaon'

Vihigaon, Kasara: Around 15 volunteers from Vivekanand Seva Mandal, Dombivali visited Vihigaon for Diwali Sneha Bhoj activity.

PC's Deployment by VSM

'Global logistics firm DHL donates PCs under its CSR initiative'

DHL local arm donates 27 pre-used PCs to VSM under their CSR initiative. VSM donates this to Beneficiary Students.